
Chantix Allegedly Linked to Suicidal Behavior

Author: Peter Kent

Chantix, an oral medication, prescribed to individuals who are attempting to quit smoking has been under fire recently as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are receiving reports of side effects ranging from deep depression to suicidal thoughts and behaviors. After these reports began to surface in late 2007, the drugs maker, Pfizer, reviewed and updated the warnings. Patients who find their mood and behavior changing while taking the drug should seek a phsycians assistance immediately. In addition to this, other warnings were included and they are as follows:

* Patients should tell their doctor about any history of psychiatric illness prior to starting Chantix. The drug, Chantix, has been linked to an increase in reoccurring or past mental illnesses.

* It is extremely important for individuals who are taking Chantix or who have a friend or family member taking the drug to be aware of the dangers and to monitor themselves or their family member/friend for an increase in mood swings and erratic behavior. Symptoms may include anxiety, nervousness, tension, depressed mood, unusual behaviors and thinking about or attempting suicide. In most cases, neuropsychiatric symptoms developed during Chantix treatment, but in others, symptoms developed following withdrawal of Chantix therapy.

* Patients taking Chantix should immediately report changes in mood and behavior to their doctor.

* Patients taking Chantix may experience vivid, unusual, or strange dreams.

* Patients taking Chantix may experience impairment of the ability to drive or operate heavy machinery.

While Chantix has demonstrated clear evidence of efficacy, it is important to consider these safety concerns and alert patients that they are possible.

These are not the first Chantix warnings announced by the FDA. After reports of close to 40 suicides and more than 400 suicidal behaviors being linked to Chantix, the FDA began investigating and studying the drug in late 2007. A link between Chantix and serious psychiatric complications became progressively probable. Additionally, the FDA determined that there might be other adverse side effects of Chantix such as the further worsening of preexisting psychiatric illness or causing a recurrence of past psychiatric issues. Two weeks after this initial FDA report, Pfizer added stronger Chantix warning labels to the drug, stating publicly that while a direct link between Chantix and the reported psychiatric problems did not exist, the possibility of Chantix-induced psychotic episodes could not be ruled out.

Chantix has been linked to suicidal thoughts and behaviors and due to this the FDA began researching and studying the drug. These Chantix psychiatric adverse events can set in within days or weeks of beginning the Chantix treatment. In fact, many patients taking the medicine have posted their feelings online, seeking support after a highly-publicized shooting was linked by the media to the drug. Most of these people describe intense nightmares, paralyzing depression, consuming apathy, anxiety, or thoughts of suicide. Many of these cases were linked to alcohol consumption and the interaction that it has with the drug. While there is not a definitive Chantix-suicide connection in a controlled testing, there is ever-mounting evidence raising concern.

While there is not as of yet a current Chantix class-action lawsuit against the manufacturer, Pfizer, the public outcry for reform, reparation and compensation for the damages done grows larger every day. Because of the FDA's reviews of the drug, it is likely that a legal case or lawsuit against its makers will occur. To be sure, even Pfizer admits to a certain risk of taking the drug, although none so serious as the actuality of many of the cases. It would be wise for anyone who has firsthand experience with suicidal thoughts or severe depression from taking Chantix, or who has been affected by someone who is or was taking Chantix, to contact a health care provider as soon as possible.

Once the health of anyone taking Chantix has been assured, it may be in the best interest of any Chantix patient or their families to consider contacting an expert Chantix law firm in order to receive experienced counsel on possible Chantix damages that may be sought for those effected by the possible danger of Chantix suicide. If you or your loved ones have been affected by the adverse side effects of Chantix, simply fill out the Chantix attorney referral for on this page to be put in touch with a qualified Chantix lawyer in your area.

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