
Is Chantix All It Claims To Be?

Some people have found that when all other medications have failed, that Chantix was the one medication that effectively helped them to finally quit. Chantix works like a nicotine blocker, for the brain. Chantix attaches itself to the nicotine receptors within the brain, which blocks that absorption of nicotine. Over time, it lessens the desire to smoke, because there is less feel good receptors available for the nicotine to attach to, making you want a cigarette less and less.

Using this method has helped many people quit without difficulty. Not only that, it has helped a lot of them quit without severe withdrawal symptoms. Even long term, multiple pack a day smokers have found themselves to be successful. One thing you need to do however, is first check to see if your insurance company will cover the cost as many nowadays are reluctant to pay for smoking cessation products.

Over a period of two weeks you are prescribed starter pack that will build up the medication levels in your system. Since Chantix is not nicotine based, it is not necessary for you to quit before taking it.

Whether you pick a quit day two weeks or three weeks out in order to allow the medication to build up even further is unimportant. The important thing is that you do pick a quit day and stick to it.

There are several side effects that have been experienced, but this can vary greatly from person to person, and are normally temporary. Extremely vivid dreams are most notable especially during the first few weeks of using the medication, as well as excessive gas, nausea and in some cases headaches.

The support with Chantix is also quite good with a free online system that begins even before you start to take your medication. This includes daily e-mails updates and stop smoking projects designed to help keep your efforts going in the right direction.

Chantix is not for everybody and although it is a very promising medication, some people have more of the psychological addiction to nicotine, than a physical one. In the latter case Chantix could work very well and does offer some behavioral support. However if you have more of the psychological addiction to nicotine Chantax may not be the right medication for you and your doctor may recommend a different medication better suited to your needs.

So is Chantix a magic pill? Not even close. But then again, nothing is. It is only with a strong desire to quit smoking to any of the stop smoking aids work. For without the desire there is nothing that is going to MAKE us quit. We have to make that decision on our own.

By: Chris James..

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