
'Trying' to Quit Smoking isn't Good Enough

By: Darren Warmuth

Have you ever said those words? How about "I'm going to try AGAIN", or "Might as well give it another shot, what have I got to lose." You can't think like this. A famous quote and pardon me for not knowing who said it, states that 'Nobody who tries anything, accomplishes very much.' And the same is true for quitting smoking.

Whether it is using the 'try' word when convincing yourself to quit or when talking to your friends and family, I have to warn you, don't do it. You are doing yourself a disservice and potentially setting yourself up for failure.

Let me give you an example. My wife has a fear of roller coasters and fast rides. I know she doesn't haven't a fear or heights or a fear of going at the speeds the coasters go, but for some reason I have not yet been able to determine, she doesn't like roller coasters.

And on any occasion when I or my son have been able to coerce her into standing in the line with us with the utmost belief that this time she is going, she always says 'I'll try.' But wouldn't you know it, by the time we reach the head of the line she has extricated herself to a position of safety, opting instead to wait for us at the end.

So how does she get out of it and still feel good about herself? Because she only said she would 'try' and that doesn't really count. The same goes when you are the path to becoming a non-smoker. By only trying, you are leaving yourself an easy exit down the road. And this isn't something you want to do.

Talk to any smoker who has gone through this process, some of them more than once, and you will find that when they set out to achieve their goal of quitting they said 'I'll try' and when they failed, they state 'Oh well, I tried.'

So what you need to do if you are to commit is remove the word 'try' completely. Use a statement like this. 'I am going to quit to better my health. For the betterment of my family. For the betterment of my finances. No exceptions.' Can you see the difference? You must state the exact reasons for why you want to quit. With no allowances for weakness or failure.

Write your commitment down - everywhere. Carry it in your purse or wallet; your coat pocket; in your car; your bathroom or anywhere else you will see it to remind yourself the reasons why you want to quit smoking. Refer to these commitments often - it will make your efforts that much more solid.

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