
Reap the benefits of quitting smoking with Chantix

We all have heard the famous cliché “habit makes a man” then why stick to smoking--a habit that destroys an individual from within and is a growing concern for everyone with its serious implications on health.

Almost all the countries are taking various innovative steps or coming out with stringent laws to minimize smoking. Some nations have banned smoking at public places, some have banned at educational institutions while some nations have banned smoking while driving.

But, despite the governments’ sincere effort, nothing substantial have been achieved. It’s because unless and until people themselves realize the drawbacks of smoking these laws will not have desired effects.

Though, there are millions of people who are tired of trying to quit this habit, which they might have started as a style statement, but are finding it really tough to bid adieu this habit.

For such millions of people, Pfizer had launched a drug called Chantix way back in 1996 to help people quit smoking. Soon after its launch, Chantix became popular among all the smokers who wanted to quit smoking for its positive effects.

Chantix, which can be purchase only by prescription, was approved by FDA on May 11, 2006 and is considered more effective than other drugs that are available in the market to help people quit smoking.

It works by directly affect that part of the brain, which helps people give up smoking by providing some satisfaction that nicotine gives, thus reducing their desire to go for smoking. The other way, Chantix works is, it blocks the receptors in the human brain that facilitate addiction to nicotine, and that stops the person from getting high from nicotine.

Where as, other drugs used to quit smoking try to deliver nicotine into the patient's body without the use of tobacco. While, what Chantix does is? It lessens the cravings and the satisfaction experienced by smokers.

If you are really serious about giving up smoking then try Chantix for 12 weeks and see how it helps you quit smoking.

One should start Chantix by fixing a date by when he/she wants to quit and they should start the medication just one week before from the day they want to quit smoking. It should be taken with a glass of water after a meal.

You will reap rich benefits for your effort to quit smoking by the following way:

• Reduce risk of illness, disability or death caused by cancer, heart disease and lung diseases.
• Reduce the chances of your children suffering from asthma or glue ear.
• Improve your fertility and your chance of a healthy pregnancy and baby.
• Improve your breathing and general fitness.
• Reduce risk of gangrene or amputation caused by circulation problems.

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By: Daniels , Posted On: 2007-04-12

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