
Quit Smoking Help and Tips: Open Your Eyes to Ill-effects of Smoking!

Nobody need to be told the ill-effects of the smoking. Even then, smokers find it very hard to give up smoking permanently. Nicotine, an integral part of cigarette, is an addictive substance. As you try to give up smoking, your way of life changes. The natural tendency of your body would be to oppose this change as by now, it has become hungry for nicotine. But, smoking has unlimited side effects which cant be ignored. So, here are some tips to give up smoking in a planned and a more comfortable way.

But before you undertake this journey, the first question which strikes your mind is Why? why should you give up a thing which your body enjoys?

Smoking's ill-effects:

. High risk of lung cancer

. High risk of Heart diseases.

. Bad breath and stained teeth.

. Making people around you also suffer( passive smoking)

. Serious breathing problems.

. Charm on the face vanishes. Wrinkles develop soon.

. Risk of stomach ulcers and acid reflux.

. Lower athletic ability

. Money and time loss.

. Last but not the least, setting up wrong examples for your children.

Next question which immediately strikes our mind, How? how to give up smoking?

---->To know how to quit smoking, visit

Random Tip: Remember, you will not die if you stop smoking. You might feel hungrier in the beginning which can lead to a minor weight gain but trust me, it is all worth giving up smoking for minor weight gain. You may have problems concentrating and you will be uncomfortable in the beginning. But, this is all a part of a game and with time, you will start leading a healthier and a normal life.

Many ex-smokers did not succeed at first, but they kept trying. So DON'T GIVE UP and MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU!

By Ashley Green articles-hub

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