
Chantix wants you to quit smoking

Why one wants to quit smoking, means he must have seen side effects of smoking, which can destroy his good taste of life in a bad taste. As only smoker can tell that how tough to leave this habit. The FDA says smoking is the most preventable cause of death in America. Not only is it the cause of a long list of cancers, but it is also the cause of heart and lung diseases. The agency says it is committed to helping smokers find effective ways of giving up. According to an estimate, there are more than 48 million smokers in America and out of these 48 million; 45 million are ready to do anything to quit this habit of smoking. But problem is not this. Smokers hardly forget the pleasure, the tobacco provides them settling into brain receptors and triggering natural pleasure and feel-good endorphins. Here rises the main problem. Many people start this no-smoking practice but can’t continue it for too long. The problem with modern tobacco is that the other chemical, which includes toxins and carcinogens that impose huge health, risks on the smokers. Just like there are many brands of cigarettes there are many treatments to quit smoking.

Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the most popular paths for many smoking quitters to take. One can choose from nicotine patches, gums and nasal sprays. Beyond that you can start look at prescription treatments like chantix and zyban - the two most popular pills to help you quit. Out of these two drugs chantix also known as varenicline is proving itself to be a milestone in the industry of anti-smoking drugs. The FDA has approved chantix (varenicline tartrate) tablets for the treatment of smoking cessation - to help smokers give up smoking. Chantix, which works on specific parts of the brain, helps people give up smoking in two ways. There are reasons why chantix has gained more popularity than zyban. According to information of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) chantix (varenicline) is four times as effective in helping a smoker give up cigarettes successfully. According to that report only, chantix is twice as effective as zyban (bupropion). Dr. Steven Galson, director of FDA's center for drug evaluation and research, says nicotine addiction makes it very hard for smokers to give up. According to him chantix is a proven and effective treatment for smokers who want to quit smoking. The FDA approved this anti-smoking drug chantix in May 2006.

Basically smokers often feel a sense of coolness and respite when they smoke or light up a cigarette. Chantix doesn’t let them feel these sensations. Chantix also lessens the withdrawal indications, which are very rigorous for some quite often. Chantix works in a different way from nicotine-replacement therapies. In nicotine-replacement therapies, a small dose of nicotine is given with the motive to provide the smoker with this drug while the patient rise above the huge psychological and physical troubles that come while giving up smoking. The other medicine zyban weakens the reuptake of addiction-linked brain chemicals through neurons i.e. dopamanine and norepinephrine. Chantix makes the patient produce more dopamine, which helps in lowering the cravings - at the same time brain cell receptors that help perpetuate addiction are blocked.

Note: chantix is prescription only medications. Do not take this medicine without discussing it with your family doctor or a qualified medical expert.

For the dosage of chantix, certain directions are provided which are to be followed prior to starting the usage of this medication. First of all, choose a quit date. Start taking chantix one week prior to the quitting date. It is pretty natural that one may smoke during the first week. It is recommended to take chantix after meal with 8 ounces of water. Only 1 white tablet is taken for the initial three days. Two white tablets are taken from days 4-7. One pill for the morning and one pill for the evening. On day 8 through treatment end, a blue tablet is taken twice a day. The blue tablet is a higher dosage than the white tablet, which is taken for the first 7 days of treatment. A typical course of chantix treatment lasts 12 weeks. Patients may continue for a further twelve weeks if they wish so. Chantix should not be prescribed to pregnant women or those who are planning to become pregnant, individuals less than 18 years of age, or anyone who is having kidney problems. Do inform doctor of any allergies you have or suspect you have.

Side effects of chantix include nausea, headache, vomiting sensation, gas, constipation, flatulence [farting], insomnia [problems in falling asleep], abnormal dreams and dysgeusia [things taste different].

Because chantix got its approval only three months back that’s why it is not as popular as viagra or cialis among the buyers who prefer to buy drug through an online pharmacy. But this is for sure as the time passes, number of people buying chantix online will leave behind the number of people buying viagra or any other drug through web pharmacy.

You're not alone when you're trying to quit and neither are you short of treatments when chantix is there to help you end that nasty nicotine addiction once and for all.

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By: Daniels , Posted On: 2007-03-22

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