
Chantix: Reduce smoking forever

Somebody once asked me "can I smoke a cigarette?" In other words he was inquiring "can I give you cancer". Scientists have proved that passive smoking is more injurious than active smoking. While an active smoker inhales just ten percent of smoke, the passive smoker inhales more than 30 percent of the smoke.

Smoking not only harms the smoker but his family and friends too. Passive smoking causes mental retardation in children and cancer in adults. Smoking also causes a decrease in the sexual appetite and performance. Smoking is responsible for decreased immunity and personal stamina.

A smoker gets tired more easily than a non-smoker. Smoking also reduces the fertility in men and increases the probability of a low birth weight baby in women. Every cigarette smoked takes away seven minutes from the life of a smoker.

Smoking also causes bad breath and tooth decay. Smoking also effects your home environment and causes fights between you and your loved one. Smoking is heavy for your purse too.

Cigarettes are heavy on your purse too. They cause a strain on the home budget too. Even after knowing that smoking is injurious to health, people still cannot give up smoking.

Reason? Simply the lack of willpower. Nicotine addiction is not easy to give up. What if there was a drug which could help in smoking cessation? A drug which could help kicking this habit. Yes, there is a drug which can help smokers to quit smoking. Chantix is a new boon to the smokers.

This drug helps in reducing the craving for cigarettes and is easily available online. So go ahead and buy chantix today and quit smoking forever.

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By: Norma , Posted On: 2006-10-19

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