
Do you wish to quit smoking?

Many a times, we often come across people puffing and enjoying smoking cigarette. Do we feel good when the smoke containing chemicals, insecticides, explosives enters our respiratory system? The answer is going to be no. Then what is the reason that the person who smokes relishes each puff?

There are many reasons; a smoker gives, such as having the feeling that he looks cool or smart while smoking or smoking shall help in weight loss. Some people also give the excuse that they are relieved of the stress while smoking.

All these are myths because smoking can only reduce the life span of a person and lead other person inhaling the smoke prone to lung cancer. It is easy to quit smoking if a person wishes to do so.

The best method is to stop smoking with the help of one's own will power. It is possible by working out a planned therapy but if it becomes hard to quit then medications are also available that help in quitting smoking.

Chantix is one such effective smoking cessation pill that helps quitting smoking easily. It works by blocking the brain receptors that help in continued addiction and lessens the cravings to smoke. Chantix has Varenicline (as the tartrate salt) as its main component, which is a white to off white and slightly yellow solid powder soluble in water.
It is an FDA approved medication and works well but could lead to certain side effects such as Nausea, Sleep disorder, Gas sleeplessness, Constipation, Headache, or Loss of taste.

Another effective method to stop smoking is to follow the basic steps:

S=Set a quit date.
T=Tell family, friends, and co-workers that you plan to quit.
A=Anticipate and plan for the challenges you will face while quitting.
R = Remove cigarettes and other tobacco products from your home, car, and work.
T = Talk to your doctor about getting help to quit.

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By: Olivia Andrews , Posted On: 2006-10-06

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